Episode 84: How to Transform Your Health to Unlock Limitless Potential, With Biohacking Bestie Aggie Lal


To our wellness girlies who want to completely eradicate symptoms, majorly improve energy or gut health, and look and feel better than ever, this episode is a must-listen. Aggie Lal is known to her 1 million+ followers as "Your Biohacking Bestie" for good reason: Her health advice has gone viral for helping women get fit effortlessly, feel more beautiful, and unleash their superpowers. In today's conversation, Josie and Aggie chat about Aggie's health journey and how she did a heavy metal detox that changed her life. Aggie shares all of her best biohacking tips from improving sleep to healing the gut to being more magnetic (and the change she says will get you "any man or any job on the planet"), as well as the daily routines she swears by. Get your notepads ready because you're going to want to remember these tips!


On this week’s episode of The Everygirl Podcast, Josie does a quick solo intro before diving right into the episode. The interview with biohacking expert Aggie Lal begins with Aggie sharing her health journey and how she came into the biohacking space. Aggie and Josie talk about the fact that biohacking is a male-dominated space, and how this inspired Aggie to tailor her biohacking journey as a woman. Aggie shares some of the initial symptoms she was facing and then dives into the first step she took to change her health for the better: doing a heavy metal cleanse. She explains why having clean water is the most important biohack you can have, plus the number of plastics and heavy metals we unintentionally consume every day and the minerals we need to supplement with. She also addresses the question of balance, arguing that life should be “80 percent biohacking, 20 percent bioslacking.” Josie and Aggie have a conversation about how biohacking has been inaccessible and framed as attempting to become superhuman rather than tapping into your intuition. Aggie notes that attempting to outsource our power and internal energy from social media is misguided, and that we should really be looking within ourselves in order to harness our highest levels of energy and health. Aggie also discusses the problem with men in the biohacking space treating biohacking as a hobby, rather than biohacking so that they can be better at other things that they love. Josie and Aggie also discuss the power of vulnerability, and how being increasingly open and real can actually attract people into your orbit. They have a conversation about how women will often find ourselves inclined to take care of everyone else before we take care of ourselves, when in fact we need to be our own best friends in order to live our lives to the fullest and achieve our dreams. Aggie provides some tips for getting out of your head and living life in the moment, with decisions based on your intuition and heart. She also explains a crucial shift in language in the biohacking space, regarding the definition of health: she says that instead of seeing health as being absent of symptoms, we should be seeing health as having energy and joy in life. Josie and Aggie also dive into misconceptions about aging as a woman, and why we should all be claiming our womanhood when it comes to our health journeys. Aggie then dives into biohacks for everyday life, including biohacking according to your infradian rhythm, optimizing your sleep, and taking care of your gut health. She also explains how to fast according to your cycle, if you are interested in intermittent fasting. After a few more biohacking tips, the episode closes with some rapid-fire questions for Aggie.

Must-Listen Moments:

[4:36] How to do a heavy-metal cleanse, plus why it’s so important for women to be monitoring our mineral intake.
[9:09] What is the definition of biohacking? How can we reframe the conversation around biohacking to be more inclusive of women?
[17:54] Why tapping into your intuition and harnessing your own confidence can be a biohack in itself. Plus, why women should never shy away from selfishness.
[21:40] Everything you need to know about biohacking according to your infradian rhythm as a woman.
[33:34] Aggie shares some of her top biohacks for everything from optimizing sleep to biohacking our fitness to having a clearer, happier mind.

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