Episode 83: Cleanse Your Body and Your Life with Lisa Odenweller, Founder of Kroma Wellness


Lisa Odenweller is a serial entrepreneur and founder of Kroma Wellness, a superfood and detox brand beloved by experts and celebs such as Dr. Will Cole, Melissa Wood-Tepperberg, Gwyneth Paltrow, and Amy Schumer. Lisa's wellness journey started when she used food to heal her hormones and get her daughter off of ADD medication. After realizing what it could do, she knew she needed to share the power of nutrition with the world. In this episode, Josie and Lisa chat about how to use food to optimize mental and physical health, the role the nervous system plays in physical symptoms, and Lisa's favorite superfoods to incorporate into your diet. Lisa also shares how to "cleanse" (the healthy way), and how to detox your body in a way that's supportive and helpful instead of restrictive and damaging. Spoiler: Lisa's tips will transform the way you care for your body and think of a "cleanse."

Use code THEEVERYGIRL for 20% off your order from Kroma Wellness.


The interview with Kroma Wellness founder Lisa Odenweller begins with Lisa explaining her background in health and wellness, including her upbringing in a family that prioritized physical well-being. She discusses the breakthrough that happened for her at 38, when she realized that although she had been caring for her health, she was feeling off. Lisa explains what it was like to be repeatedly told by doctors that medication was the solution for her health struggles and for her daughter’s ADD, and how she took it upon herself to understand how she could use food to heal those problems as much as possible on her own. Josie and Lisa discuss Lisa’s journey to founding Beaming, a wellness café that focused on juices and cleansing before she pivoted to stealthily changing the language and meaning of cleansing with Kroma. Lisa explains why she thinks wellness resets are so important for people to experience, especially if they are looking for a way to find their way back to connecting to their bodies. She also discusses the problems with traditional “cleansing,” including extreme caloric restriction, and how she’s working to reclaim the meaning of the cleanse with Kroma by promoting balance throughout her reset program. Josie asks Lisa to explain a little bit about what a cleanse means to her, and Lisa dives into some of the specifics of Kroma’s program. She discusses why sustainable cleansing is crucial for maintaining our health and well-being, rather than the sporadic juice cleanses and purges that were popularized in the early 2000s. Josie and Lisa also touch on the topic of Ozempic, and how it has thrust us backward in terms of the goal of weight loss being the primary purpose of wellness, rather than feeling energized, good in our bodies, and excited to eat well and exercise. Lisa discusses how living in New York City sent her health spiraling for several years, due to the hustle culture and the intensity of the city. Josie and Lisa have a conversation about how important it is to see our bodies as our friends rather than as our enemies, and what we need to do to create that mindset shift in ourselves. Lisa and Josie also get into a fascinating discussion about aging within the wellness industry, and the ageist and sexist conventions that have been placed on women as they reach perimenopause and menopause. Lisa dives into her own experience and the things she did to feel empowered in her health as she navigated perimenopause. Josie highlights how we have come to see wellness as something that doesn’t change throughout our lives, rather than as something that we have the power to shift according to our needs as we change, age, and grow. Lisa shares the story of choosing to remove her breast implants after she realized that her body was rejecting them. The two also chat about biological age and how important it is to act your age and align your mentality with your age in order to increase your mental and cognitive health span. The episode closes with some rapid-fire questions for Lisa.

Must-Listen Moments:

[7:54] Ask The Everygirl: How to optimize your morning routine in 2024 based on your health and wellness goals.
[30:34] How Lisa Odenweller changed her own life and her health by shifting her eating habits, plus how she was able to take her daughter off of ADD medication with strategic diet shifts.
[37:57] Why we need to reframe the conversation around cleansing, away from restriction and juices and towards a more sustainable change.
[48:20] How your food and your nervous system are related, and how to get the most our of your diet to optimize your health.
[59:15] Why Lisa believes that her biological age tests as 28, rather than her actual age of 52—including the mental influence that she has over her own healthspan.

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